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Panel Sandwich Baja Warna

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Panel Dinding Sandwich Tahan Api untuk Bangunan Workshop dan Apartment dengan Inti Busa Wool Batu EPS untuk Insulasi

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Penerangan Produk
Pembinaan kediaman dan bengkel dibina menggunakan panel dinding sandwich tahan api dengan teras buih wol EPS. Panel ini sempurna untuk pembinaan yang selamat dan berkesan kerana ketahanan api dan penebatannya yang luar biasa.
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
Parameter Produk
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation details
Kawasan aplikasi
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
Butiran Produk
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
Proses pesanan
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation supplier
Ringkasan Syarikat
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation supplier
Mengapa Memilih Kami
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation details
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
Hebei Guangqia Technologies Co., Ltd
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
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