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색상의 스틸 샌드위치 패널

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건물 작업장 및 아파트용 내화 샌드위치 벽 패널, EPS 암석 울 폼 코어로 단열

제품 설명
제품 설명
EPS 암면 폼 코어가 있는 방화 샌드위치 벽 패널을 사용하여 주거 및 작업장 건축이 이루어집니다. 이 패널은 뛰어난 내화성과 단열성 덕분에 안전하고 효과적인 건축에 적합합니다.
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
제품 매개변수
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation details
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
제품 세부정보
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
주문 과정
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation supplier
회사 프로필
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation supplier
왜 우리를 선택해야 하는지
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation details
자주 묻는 질문
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation manufacture
허베이 광차 기술 주식회사,北京赛车
Fireproof Sandwich Wall Panel for Building Workshop and Apartment with EPS Rock Wool Foam Core for Insulation factory
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